Happy Hips! – An Often Forgotten Stretch
Chances are high that you have tight hips, regardless of your lifestyle. You may sit all day or be very active with running, jumping, or regular exercise, but either way, you may not even realize it.
The discomfort in your back and knees might be a result of tight hips, particularly if you’ve been sitting at your desk for extended periods. Regularly stretching your hips is crucial to alleviate this problem.
There are several approaches to maintain the suppleness and well-being of your hips, like practising yoga, foam rolling, stretching, or receiving a massage. Achieving this doesn’t require a complicated regimen; a few stretches while working at your desk will suffice.
We’ve listed some directions and tips below to help you with this stretch:
- Sit tall in your chair, feet hip-width apart, toes facing front, feet firmly on the floor.
- Cross your right ankle over your left knee, ensuring your left foot remains in its original position.
- Flex your right foot and try to gently lower your right knee so it is parallel to the floor (skip this step if it bothers your knee).
- Gently lean forward, leading with your chest so your back stays straight until you feel a stretch in the right hip and glute.
- Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
- Let us know how you feel afterwards!